VIRAL NOW: 19- Year old girl gang raped by her Facebook chatmate upon their first eyeball !

VIRAL NOW: 19- Year old girl gang raped by her Facebook chatmate upon their first eyeball !

Social Networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are very popular and very useful in this generation . Anyone on this world has their own accounts on the said social networking sites. These sites have been very useful for communication especially those who are away from their love ones and special someone . These sites are also useful to people who wants to update their friends about their current status , situation and location . Anyone you asks has account on the following sites. However , yes it is useful yet, it is also dangerous.

There are some people who take the advantage of these social networking sites to fool other people and fake their identity. Others use these sites to chat or have conversation with some random stranger and meet them up.

This is the story that happened to a 19 Year old Filipina girl who had a friend that she met on Facebook and have a conversation through chat and later on met the guy.

She did not know that the guy she met has a bad intention with her wherein she was invited to get drunk together with his friend. His friends raped the girl and the girl was drunk and she can't do something . Good thing is that she remember what the guys did to her and nothing more bad happened to her.

Watch the video and comment your reactions below.

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