Meet the Facebook 's Viral Post Lola Anita 71 years old?

Meet the Facebook 's Viral Post Lola Anita 71 years old?

Health is wealth that is the common sayings of every people around the world because it is really true that we should take care of our body because it is very important if we want to have a longer life.

A Facebook post by Girls Room and other Facebook pages like Estudyante 101 has gained so much attention . This post is about a girl named Lola Anita. According to the post , she is 71 years old.

There are a lot of positive comments that we should be like her having a healthy life style. Some comments also says that she is very lucky to have a beautiful and sexy figure at her age.

There are also a lot of negative comments saying that the photos are just edited and not true. Some of the negative comments also says that the plot twist are she is just 25 years old and she just have a matured face.

You want to know who she really is? The truth is she is Sopit Soonthorntanasatit from Thailand and according to her she is just 55 years old .

But yes she is already a grandma and she really has healthy lifestyle. We can see it in her photos that she do her regular exercise and she posts some of the healthy foods that she eats.

We all can achieve this healthy and beautiful body if do have a self discipline and having a healthy lifestyle is so important.

She is one of the example that anything is possible if we take good care and love our body.

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