MUST SEE :PNP Chief Bato Posts “Wanted” Poster for Person Who Pinched Pres. Duterte’s Cheeks

MUST SEE :PNP Chief Bato Posts “Wanted” Poster for Person Who Pinched Pres. Duterte’s Cheeks

It is understandable that Pres. Rodrigo Duterte has plenty of critics and haters – after all, no one is perfect and it is impossible to please everybody. He does have a lot of fans and supporters, too.

Last week, Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa posted a “Wanted” poster to search for the identity of the person who pinched the cheeks of the president during one of his public appearances.

Duterte’s partner, Honeylet Avanceña, and their daughter Veronica “Kitty” Duterte could also be seen with the president.

n the undated photo, someone who seemed young (based on the young-looking hand) pinched the president on the cheeks.
While the “Wanted” poster seemed like a fun joke, it does appear to be partly serious, too! After all, isn’t that a security breach? What if the person was holding a weapon?

Of course, whoever pinched the president on the cheek wasn’t an enemy but what if a hater managed to join the supporters’ ranks and reach the president? It would surely be a security nightmare!

What do you think of this photo?

(c) Definitely Filipino and Bato Dela Rosa FB Page

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