VIRAL NOW : This guy posted a rant about KIDZOONA's security and it is very alarming!

VIRAL NOW : This guy posted a rant about KIDZOONA's security and it is very alarming!

There is no really safe place for our kids. Even in a playground at the mall . Kidzoona is known to be a place for children and kids but a guy posted a rant about Kidzoona's security wherein his child had an accident.

Here is the extracted post of the Facebook username Oscar Tan Abing Jr.:

Guys! We need your prayers!
This incident happened in KIDZOONA UpTown Mall last Oct 30, 2016 around 4pm.
My name is Oscar Tan-Abing Jr., I'm a very private person & I normally don't write and post this kind of message.
Pls pray for healing specially for my Son who was injured in KIDZOONA UPTOWN Mall and also pls pray for my wife who has been having a hard time dealing with these emotionally. Lastly, please pray for our hearts that it won't be overwhelmed by anger and bitterness. May we continue to bring glory and honor to Jesus on this challenging times.
Just wanted to narrate what happened and hopefully to warn all parents.
Oct 30, 2016 around 4pm.
Me and my brother who are always traveling went to uptown to catch up with our wives and decided to leave both of our kids at KIDZOONA knowing that it's a very Safe place for kids. (4 kids in total with corresponding 4 adults as their nurse/helper)
After 10-15minutes of catching up, my brother received a call from his nanny saying that my son was bleeding!
I immediately ran from Mary Grace Resto from the top floor to KIDZOONA as fast as I could and found out that My FirstBorn Son (2yr& 9month old) was bleeding and there was NO proper attention given to him.... No First Aid... No Managers was around. As if it is not a serious injury.

Blood was all over.... the uniform of his nanny and white towel used to contain the blood.
My heart was crushed when I saw my son crying and truly in pain. I was really really scared... I was afraid that he might lose his eyesight because I saw a lot of blood coming out near the eye so without investigation my instinct was to rush my son to safety.
I took him right away hoping to go the nearest Hospital fast (St Luke's BGC).... but going out of kidzoona gate, NO one was guiding us out and making a path for an emergency exit. On the Gate, they saw that I was raising my voice to people to move aside because it's an emergency, the staff STILL ask for our ticket/receipt before we can leave the premises.
No one from Kidzoona was helping us, No nurse, they never called for an emergency. As if they are downplaying the incident. (Pls refer to the photos of the wounds posted and kindly judge for yourself if it's a minor incident/injury for a 2yr old)
When I arrive at the ER in St Luke's BGC and had my son checked. I immediately called my brother to pls stay in Kidzoona to investigate what happened. I told him to ask for the video showed to him so we can investigate what happened.
Staff of Kidzoona was reluctant to help my brother as if they do not know what to do. They are not really cooperating as I was informed. So I instructed my brother to report to the Admin of UpTown Mall. Once we reported the incident in Uptown, they started to move a bit. But still hesitating to show and give us a copy of the CCTV camera so we can do a proper investigation.
While we are waiting for my son safe in ER we started investigating and found that my son tripped or fell face first hitting the edge of one of the Kidzoona role playing table. (reference below) again I was wondering how come it doesn't have a foam cover? Is it really Kid safe Zone?
No one called us until Uptown Mall was monitoring the incident and told my brother that they had complains about that place.
Few minutes later they informed us that they can not give us a copy or show to us the CCTV footage of the incident and immediate response. We need to have a written permission to the higher ups!(?)
We received messages from the assistant manager later on confirming this. (Reference posted below)
My wife was crying the whole time. Doctors and specialist says that my son needs a GA to sew the wound and it was a very deep cut 1.5cm 2 muscle deep. Surgeon said that the cut won't be able to grow back the hair even if we do a transplant because the tissue to hold the hair on that part was deeply damaged.
We are very thankful to the Lord that His eyes were not harmed but was really crushed to know that there's no technology in the Philippines to grow the hair on his eyebrow. It means he will grow up having only 1/2 eyebrow on his other side.
My son just went surgery this morning and there will be few more test to be done to check his brain and bones on the face if there are further injuries next Wednesday bec specialist are still out of town.
We don't really know what to do, we don't really know how to proceed and where to seek help. We are crying because we are controlling our hearts not to be consumed by anger or bitterness.
We are currently documenting everything, and pls pray that my son will fully recover and also pls pray that my wife to be healed emotionally... she's really having a hard time dealing with this. At the moment, I see how my love ones are suffering.... I just can not help but weep.
Parents pls be warned about these kind of places.

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