AVRIL LAVIGNE a true God worshiper !From “What The Hell” To “God, Keep My Head Above Water”

AVRIL LAVIGNE a true God worshiper !From “What The Hell” To “God, Keep My Head Above Water”

Far from the Avril Lavigne we knew as the “Pop Punk Queen” and “Rock Star Singer”, she surprises everyone with her newest comeback song after five long years of break—a worship song.  Who would have thought that she would be this outspoken about her faith today?

Avril is a Canadian singer songwriter.  At a young age she gained prominence with her albums and has sold more than 50 million singles worldwide.  She is well-known in the secular world and has written many songs, but not even one of her earlier songs ever talked about God.  This is why everyone was blown away with her newly released album.

Avril’s new song “Head Above Water” was inspired by what she had gone through, while suffering from Lyme Disease.  The song talks about how she found help from God when she thought she was at the end of her life.

In an interview with Elite Daily she said, “Under my breath, I prayed ‘God, please help to keep my head above the water.’ At that moment, the songwriting of this album began. It was like I tapped into something. It was a very spiritual experience. Lyrics flooded through me from that point on.”

We are so glad to see a legendary celebrity, who in their time of struggle, decided to find help in God instead of drugs or suicide.  She is an example to so many.  She’ll influence millions of people in the world to turn to God when they feel like they are drowning in life’s troubles.

I believe that Avril’s outspokenness about her faith can change the world for the glory of God.

Best comeback song and artist of the decade!


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