Flight Attendant Name that Tim Sawyer is Looking For REVEALED!

Flight Attendant Name that Tim Sawyer is Looking For REVEALED!

The video uploaded by a YouTuber Tim Sawyer trended on Facebook . The Page Wittysism. also reuploaded the video and already has 1.7M views as of writing.

Flyhigh Manila also expressed their reaction about the video and sad to say the love story is not happy ending.

According to Flyhigh Manila:

Just lately, a PAL Express flight attendant went viral on social media when a passenger to the Facebook name of Tim Sawyer was enamored by her beauty that he decided to video her discreetly in hopes that he gets to know her. This drew mixed reactions from our cabin crew, some found it funny but many found it alarming.

The PAL Express flight attendant is Kathy, married, with a kid. Others had mistaken FA Kathy as Philippine Airlines flight attendant Elaine. We personally know Elaine and we will guarantee 101% that it is not her on the video.

FA Kathy messaged us expressing disappointment on the video that went viral as she thought the guy was just taking videos of the aircraft, and she did not know it was her already involved. Also, we now do not know how Kathy's husband is reacting to this video that went viral! Be careful guys, sometimes, the boyfriends or husbands or fathers of your beautiful flight attendants may be a flight steward or even a pilot on your same flight.

So definitely, FA Kathy was NOT aware that she was being videoed and she is not happy!

Apparently, the recent video of Tim Sawyer was inspired by another video when a passenger discreetly took the video of this good looking flight steward, from Philippine Airlines. We are trying to decipher the reason of these kinds of videos if they are just for social media purposes wherein the one who took it makes a living out of his or her viral videos or, this is a new way of trying to get to know your cabin crew despite the fact that they already have nameplates on their uniforms. We also want to caution our readers about these kinds of videos as there are some airlines that ban the discreet taking of videos of their cabin crew members while in duty. If they catch you, they will ask you to erase the video and they will confiscate your mobile device. If you do not hand it, the flight  crew can get you arrested for breaching a security regulation.

So down to the main point, how to get to know your flight attendant without having to resort to taking videos discreetly? Well here are some tips if you really want to get to know them for whatever reason you have.

1. Talk to them straight. Their names are also on their wings nameplates. Just talk to them politely, address them properly by their names on the nameplate and IDs on their uniforms. If you can't seem to see it well, you may always ask them nicely what their names are and they will gladly give it to you.

2. Converse with your flight attendants properly. Cabin crew members go through personality development and engaging their passengers in conversations are part of their training. They do understand that some passengers fly alone and sometimes, these passengers are going through some kind of discomfort or some sad situation. Cabin crew members are trained to make these passengers feel comfortable on their flights by striking a conversation with them. You cabin crew will definitely listen to you and if they feel comfortable with you, they may also share  their interests in life. Remember, doesn't mean that they like you already just because they are conversing with you.

3. Greet and smile back at your flight attendant. Just give them a natural warm smile.

4. If you want to take a video or a picture with your flight attendant/steward crush, then you may always ask them for permission properly. If you plan to upload your picture or video on social media, inform them too. There is nothing wrong of asking them properly. If they say yes, then so and good. If they say no, at least you tried and you know they are not comfortable with it.

5. Do not be a headache to them. Follow their instructions, lift your own luggage unto the overhead bin, stay seated while the fasten seatbelt sign is on, etc. They love passengers who makes things easier for them.

6. If you feel you had a great flight because of your flight attendant, do not forget to leave a commendation. You just don't know how happy they are with a single commendation. Your one commendation goes a long long way in the career of a flight attendant.

7. Help your flight attendant when needed only. Like when? If you see an able passenger demand a flight attendant to lift his or her luggage unto the overhead bin, approach that other passenger, take the bag from the FA, and lift it yourself unto the overhead bin (if you are an able passenger too). Do not forget to remind that passenger that a flight attendant is NOT obliged to lift luggage unto the overhead bin.

8. Avoid conversing with them first while they are doing service or meal serving and all. There have to adhere to a certain time compliance so they might have no time to converse with you yet. Best is during midflight when they are done with service.

9. Getting their contact details is up to you or them. It is their decision whether to give it or not but most airlines do not allow their cabin crew to divulge contact information.

10. If you find them on social media, it is up to them to accept your friend request or not. So do not call your flight attendant "plastic" if they conversed with you on your flight but they did not accept your friend request. Let's just learn to respect each other's private lives.

11. Most important, RESPECT YOUR FLIGHT ATTENDANT. Pick-up lines and making pacute most of the time do not work. Flight attendants love being treated with full respect. Chivalry will always triumph over braun.

So what's wrong of taking a video of a flight attendant crush? Put yourselves on the shoes of the flight attendant. How would you feel if you catch a passenger taking your video discreetly and you do not even know for what purpose is the video.

If you want to get to know your flight attendant, do it the proper way without having to cross the line.

We shall leave you with this video of a British Airways flight attendant who was able to meet even the family of her passenger in India. It is a very heart warming video.

Source and Credits to : It a Crew Life

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Click here for comments
June 22, 2017 at 8:41 AM ×

Wrong grammar. :-(

December 21, 2017 at 2:37 PM ×

You just made everything complicated. The guy is just being in love. Geez

February 22, 2018 at 8:05 PM ×

No, this shit is creepy! Were I her? I might consider legal action against him.


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